Cookies & Milk - Chefs Choice Flavour Notes

Cookies & Milk

Tested @ 10%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Chefs Flavours description No description


Malty cookie like taste with a heavy and sharp vanilla note that has a plastic like off taste

7 day steep

No change

14 day steep

No change

28 day steep

No change

Suggested usage

I’d use this as an Accent 3%-4%, Background 4%-6%, and Main 6%-9%. Standalone 9%-15%

The plastic like off note is quite sharp and strong, this make me believe it is my taste buds with the Vanilla in this concentrate and not the concentrate itself. If you don’t experience the plastic off taste it would be useful as an accent flavour to add a strong vanilla into a mix used low the malty cookie taste should be hidden, as a background note it would add a vanilla and a slight malty cookie like taste, as a main flavour this would add Vanilla, Malt cookie and a slight dairy taste to a mix. I would describe this as a Cookie and Vanilla with a hint of dairy.

I’d use with Creams, Custards, Biscuits, Cheesecake and in milkshake mixes

Chefs Flavours recommended usage - None available


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