Lime Freak
Tested @3%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a Smok R200 @ 100w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Chefs Flavours description "None available"
Sweet lime. This is a dark lime with some adding cooling
7 Day Steep
The lime has now brightened up a little, no other change to the profile
14 Day Steep
No change
21 Day Steep
No change
28 Day Steep
No change
Suggested Usage
Accent 0.75% - 1.25%, Background 1.25% - 2%, Main 2%-3%. Standalone 3%-5%
I'd use with Fruit, Vanilla, Beverages, Creams, Some nuts and florals.
This is a slightly dark lime juice with some flesh like hints, there is some added cooling in this but quite low level, I would pair this with a brighter lime to add some depth to it.
Chefs Flavours recommended usage Start at 3%