Ice Grape
Tested @2% & 4% 70/30 0nic on Bonza 0.14 dual Ni80 Flaptons on VV Pulse
*Disclaimer: My taste buds don't normally do well with grape flavours, if you are OK vaping grape this will be fine for you.
VTA description
“Cooling sweet menthol fresh grape e-liquid recipe flavour. An ideal mixer with other fruits, or use it as a base to build from, this works perfectly as a stand-alone flavour. Made for the lovers of ice flavours, this one’s for you !”
A nice chill to this like WS23 but a very floral grape to me, however most grape flavours don't sit well with my taste buds
11 days
The chill has faded slightly along with the florals, I'm now getting a slightly sweet dark grape.
16 days
The chill hasn't changed however the grape has now taken on a darker grape taste with an unpleasant after-taste to me almost a fermented grape taste, however opinions from others tells me that again this is my taste buds and they taste a sweet dark grape with the chill affect.
If you can normally taste grape flavours without any off tastes this could be used at 1%-2% as a background or accent at the lower range, 2%-5% as a primary flavour in a mix and 5%-8% as a stand-alone
This should mix well with other fruits in a straight fruit mix with cooling or in beverage type mixes, however due to that cooling affect it will be hard to use anywhere else.
VTA Recommend Mixed:3-7% – Stand-alone:5-10%