Dark Blackberry
*This flavour was provided by Chefs Flavours
Tested @4%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers Description “Very dark & very wild Blackberry. Deep, strong taste can be used in many fruit mixes. ”
A very Floral blackberry, I’m hopeful that this floral off note will fade during a steep
2% SnV
The floral off note is still present but not as strong as at 4%, the blackberry is through more and is sweet and juicy with a slightly sticky mouthfeel, I’m hopeful the off note will steep out
7 Day Steep
The floral off note has reduced a little, a sweet and dark blackberry has now started to come through.
14 Day Steep
The floral off note is still present, whilst not unpleasant it is still an off note with a good blackberry flavour behind it.
Remixed at 2% as I feel 4% is too high for this flavour
14 Day Steep (2%)
A sweet and juicy blackberry is now present with a mild floral in the background, I’m hopeful this floral will reduce further with a steep
28 Day Steep
No change
28 Day Steep (2%)
The floral has reduced further, whilst this is still present it has become a mild foreground note, the background is filled out with a dark, sweet and juicy blackberry with a medium thick mouthfeel
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 0.25%-0.5% as an accent, 0.5%-0.75% as a background flavour, 0.75%-1% as the main flavour
If you wanted this standalone I’d suggest starting at 1%
Dark Blackberry continued
I’d use with Fruit, Cream, Vanilla, Custard, Bakery and Beverages
This is one of Molinberry stronger flavours at 2% there is a mild floral off note, reminiscent of blackberry blossom, due to the floral present at 2% I’d recommend not using this above 1% in a mix to allow the dark, sweet and juicy blackberry to come through without the floral note, use this wherever you want a Dark, wild, sweet and juicy blackberry flavour
Molinberry Recommended usage: - 5%-7%