Tested @ 5%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Chefs Flavours description – None available
Light coffee like taste
7 day steep
No change
14 day steep
Slightly roasted like taste.
28 day steep
No change. To me this tastes like a medium strength coffee this is then quickly taken over by a generic roasted taste in the background, the roasted taste doesn’t quite taste like a roasted coffee bean, it’s almost like roasted and dried coffee grounds, I don’t get any creams or dairy from this.
Suggested usage
I’d use this as an Accent 1%-2%, background 2%-3%, Main 3%-5%.
This could be useful for adding a roasted coffee taste to a Coffee mix as an accent, as a background you may able to use this to add a slight roasted taste to nut mixes or Tobacco without getting any coffee taste.
Chefs Flavours recommended usage - None available