Banana Custard - Chefs Choice Flavour Notes

Banana Custard

Tested @10%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.

Manufacturer’s description – No description available


Slightly Over ripe Banana with a creamy vanilla custard.

7 Day steep

No change

14 Day Steep

No change in strength, the custard is now starting to gain a slight egg like note, however the mouthfeel of a custard isn’t present at the moment

25 Day Steep

Unfortunately, this has now gained a slight plastic like taste for me, as the egg note has increased in strength I believe that it may be this that is causing this issue for me as some egg notes and strong vanillas don’t translate well to my taste buds and give me that plastic type taste I now get in this flavour

Suggested Usage

I’d use as a main 7%-10%, Background 5%-7%, Accent 3%-5%. Standalone 10%-15%.

I’d use primarily as a background or accent flavour due to the off note that I get but would use with Creams, Some Fruits, Bakery, Vanilla and Custards to add some depth to this concentrate as I didn’t find it thick enough to be classed as a custard.

Chefs Flavours Recommend – No recommended % available 


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