Tested @ 10%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Chefs Flavours description – “Absinthe Flavour”
Strong liquorice flavour with a slight alcohol like note
7 day steep
No change
14 day steep
No change
21 day steep
No change
28 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
I’d use this as a main flavour 7%-10%, Background 5%-7%, accent 3%-5%. Standalone 10%-15%
This has a very strong liquorice flavour to it and what tastes to me like a very slight fennel/Anise note and a very mild alcohol like throat hit. I’d use this where a wanted a liquorice flavour with a slight alcohol hint.
I’d use with Bitters, Anise, Some Alcohols, Blackcurrant and other berries, creams, Vanilla and ice creams.
Chefs Flavours recommended usage - 5%-15%