Tested @1%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a Smok R200 @ 100w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers description "Tart red berry, crisp and dry. Acai is a light flavor that can be added as a top note or subtle note on a base. Not a base flavor in itself, but good to add dimensions to a full bodied flavor that needs high end zip."
Strong chocolate like note followed by a sweet syrupy berry, the berry is almost blueberry/blackberry like
7 Days
No change
14 Days
No change
21 Days
No change
28 Days
No change
Suggested usage
Accent 0.25% - 0.5%, Background 0.5% - 0.75%, Main 0.75%-1.25%.
I'd use with Fruit, Chocolate, Cream, Vanilla, Coffee, Alcohols, Florals
This is a strong flavour. I haven’t tried Açai before, so I am unable to verify its authenticity.
The top notes of this are chocolate, this isn’t as dark as a cocoa but is darker than a milk chocolate, this is followed by a syrupy dark berry, use this in any mix that you want a chocolate note.
Flavorah recommended usage 0.5%-5%